So Your Pitch Wasn’t Picked Up… What Now?

We’ll start with the hard truth.

Generally speaking, the odds of getting coverage for your story are not (as they say) in your favor. Industry changes—think fewer outlets, more paid placement, etc.—have intensified competition. 

We put a lot of effort into getting our partners’ stories the attention they deserve. And media attention is a fantastic way to do that. It gives credibility, expands their audience, shares their stories… 

But here’s the good news. Media coverage isn’t the only avenue to get your story seen.

Disappointed about a rejected pitch? Don’t give up! (We feel your frustration!) 

Here’s how we think about it.

We put content before distribution.

This strategy prioritizes creating content that matters. Then, we weave in the messaging before selecting distribution channels (owned, earned or paid) that align with your goals.

Not every pitch is a slam dunk. We’re relentless, though, in ensuring your message reaches the right audience in the most effective way possible.

A content-first approach allows us to view your strategy holistically. We revisit the story and its goals, then explore alternative ways to share it.

This saves time and resources. We leverage the initial work—finding the story, securing the storyteller’s participation, refining the message—to maximize its impact across channels. After all, we already did the leg work.

Compelling content is the backbone of any communications plan. It resonates with your audience, builds trust, and conveys your message. By prioritizing content, your message isn’t confined to a single outlet or format. It meets your audience wherever they are.

It’s the message and the story that matter.

We repurpose content.

So what do we do when a pitch isn’t picked up?

We go back to the original content. We already have the story and the message. Now, we look at the other distribution channels that make sense for our goals. And we get the content ready for those other channels.

Let’s say it’s an Op-Ed that didn’t get placed. All’s not lost. We can take it and repurpose it as a blog post to share on the website, for example, or do a short video from a thought leader with the same message to share on social media.

Repurposing benefits you even with media pickups. For example, media coverage of an event is fantastic. But we also leverage owned media (social media, website, thought leader social accounts) to amplify it.

A multichannel approach reaches diverse audience segments who might have missed the original piece while reinforcing the message. Different formats, as we know, resonate with different people.

Repurposing extends the lifespan and reach of your content. It capitalizes on your storyteller’s contribution and the work involved in refining the message.

We keep storytelling at the heart of it all.

We’re in the business of storytelling. We share our partners’ stories and get their message out there so they can make a positive impact.

We never lose sight of the core story, regardless of the distribution channel. Each channel has its conventions, and audiences have expectations. But a compelling story with a strong message is what’s most important.

That’s the foundation that you need. We don’t start with distribution and then work backward. Distribution grows from a story with a message. 

Building out a distribution strategy after we already have a story helps us in so many ways. It reinforces our messages. It keeps stories consistent. It helps us stay on-brand. And it helps us get the most out of our and our storyteller’s efforts.

So when we’re hoping for earned media, we work hard on our pitch. We find the perfect outlets and reporters. We hone the message and get the story just right.

But if it doesn’t get picked up?

We’re always ready and able to move forward and get your story and message in front of your audience. 


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