Beyond the Quick Win: Invest in Communications for the Long Haul

Different people participating in a cross country run

You know how they say “great things take time”? Well, that’s certainly true when it comes to your communications program. Building a brand and inspiring action take time.

Maybe you set out to get your organization in the news. Or you wanted that viral social post. And you got it. Great news (literally)! Those are the concrete results that feel good and make us feel our communications strategy is working.

But long-term results—well, those aren’t as easy to see. Effective messaging? Brand strength? Reputation? Those aren’t as splashy as a media hit or a viral social post. But they’re just as worthwhile.

And you’ve just got to be in it for the long haul if you want to get there.

Communications is a marathon, not a sprint.

The Problem With Short-Term Thinking

Do you look at communications like a faucet that you can turn on when you need it?

(And off when you don’t?)

Here’s the hard truth: you’re starting from scratch every time you turn that faucet back on.

Communications programs are about relationship building. And nobody likes a friend who ghosts you only to reappear at the last second when they need something.

That’s basically what you’re doing when you treat communications like a quick fix. Each time you turn that faucet back on, you’ve got to reintroduce yourself.

Think about it this way: your communications program is a house. When you make a long-term commitment to it, you build the foundation you need to go up to the next level. Depending on what you need, that foundation might be a well-developed message platform or a rich content strategy. And once you have that foundation, you can build up.

Why You Need a Long-Term Commitment

What really works—what really gets results—is a long-term, holistic communications program.

It’s time to shift your perspective. Think of your communications as an investment. While it may not be possible to directly measure the ROI of every aspect of your communications efforts, the cumulative impact is what should feel undeniable.

You build relationships.

You establish your brand.

You earn trust.

You get a good reputation.

All of this all gets you the ultimate payoff: brand equity. There’s nothing like it. Through all the stages of your audience’s journey, brand equity is key. When they’re learning about your organization, evaluating it, and making a decision to purchase, sign up, or donate… organizations with strong brand equity have the advantage every step of the way.

If you pause your communications investment, you risk losing momentum. It’s much harder to build those relationships, earn that trust, and gain that brand equity with a stop-and-start approach.

Why a Great Comms Partner Matters

With all this talk of being in it for the long haul, finding the right communications partner matters even more.

The right collaborator understands your organization’s goals, challenges and opportunities. They help you get the right mix of short-term wins and long-term successes.

You also get:

  • Efficient use of resources: You can build upon your established communications channels and messaging to maximize impact without starting from scratch every time.
  • Managed reputation: You can maintain a consistent brand voice and proactively address potential issues to continue building the trust and credibility that’s so valuable.
  • Seized opportunities: A great communications partner is nimble. They can respond swiftly to emerging trends and capitalize on new opportunities. You can’t do that if you need to start fresh every time.

Every time you need to figure out your next move, or how you’re going to accomplish your next goal… that’s what a long-term comms partner is for. That’s when teams like ours shine as partners. A partner like that knows your business inside and out. They know how to build from what you already have, grow organically, and shift when needed.

Are you looking for a communications partner to build that long-term success with? We have space for you to join our roster of clients. Reach out to discuss how we can help your organization thrive—we’d love to hear from you.


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